Mutah University :: Towards a Better Learning Environment

 Students Exchange

Exchange of students

In its new launch, the Office of International Affairs at Mutah University seeks to develop knowledge and cultural relations and openness to international scientific expertise through building bridges of international cooperation with prestigious Arab and foreign universities and scientific institutions. This is under an official umbrella of agreements and partnerships that achieve the mission of the university and its objectives of development, creativity, innovation, scientific excellence, research and training. Where the university seeks to achieve for itself a distinct place on the map of international universities and localization of expertise and modern scientific techniques that benefit the community.

In the framework of the pursuit of globalization, the Office is working actively to benefit from these global partnerships to enable researchers, faculty members and students at the University to exploit the opportunities of international cooperation and engage in multi-disciplinary projects and programs. The skills necessary to join the labor market, which is characterized by high competitiveness in the era of openness in which we live.​
